The college library means
General library
Departmental Libraries
The General library and sectional libraries are subdivided into
Lending Section
Reference section
1. The general library will be open from 10AM to 4PM on all working days.
Library as per the following schedules:
Mondays − 1st Year Degree.
Tuesdays − 11nd and Final Year Degree
Wednesdays − PG Students
Thursdays − Students under Distance Education Department
Fridays − Teaching And Non Teaching Staff,
2. The schedule for issue of books from the sectional libraries will be arranged by the heads of departments who will be in charge of the sectional libraries of their respective subjects
3. Number of books a student can borrow at a time from the library.
4. Books borrowed from the general library must be returned within a fortnight and they can be renewed for a further period of 7 days if no one else has applied for the same books.
5. Books borrowed from the sectional libraries can be returned for a period of 3 weeks and they can be renewed for a further period of one week in the absence of requisition for the same books from anybody else.
6. Absence from college will not be accepted as an excuse for not returning the books in time .
7. If the due date for return of book falls on a weekend or short holidays the book must be returned on the next working day
8. All the books borrowed from the general library by students and members of teaching and non- teaching staff must be returned by the first of March every year for the annual physical stock verification of the library.
9. Postgraduate students and members of staff must return all the books borrowed from the sectional libraries on a date in March every year fixed by the respective heads of departments.
10. If failed to return a book on or before the due date, Hall tickets for university examinations and Transfer Certificates will not be issued and caution deposits shall not be refunded to students.
11. A member of the teaching staff is allowed to borrow any number of books at a time from General Library.
12. A member of the non teaching staff is allowed to borrow 3 books at a time from the general library.
13. Books borrowed other than text books should be returned within a period of one month by members of teaching and non teaching staff, and all books should be returned in time for the annual physical stock verification in March every year.
14. A member of staff who takes leave for more than a month must return all the books borrowed from the library before proceeding on leave.
15. Disfiguring the pages, scribbling on pages, tearing page, spoiling and injuring of binding will be held to be serious damage to books and in such cases they are either to be replaced by new copies or got bound by the borrowers as the case may be.
16. For loss of books the following procedure will be followed:
17. If new edition or copies of the lost books are available with the book suppliers, the book has to be replaced by a new one.
18. If the lost book is not available for replacement the value of the lost book will be realized at the following rates: −
Fifth of the face value of books, which were published in and after 1944
19. the book value cannot be ascertained from the library stock registers, compensation will be fixed on the basis of the market price of similar publication at the time of fixation.
20. Sub-lending and transferring books to other person's name are not allowed
21. Books from the reference section shall not be taken outside the library.
22. Strict silence should be observed in the library. Personal belongings such as umbrellas, bags, Tiffin carriers etc. are not allowed to be kept in the library .Smoking, sleeping and indecent behaviour are prohibited inside the library.
23. These rules shall apply to general library and sectional libraries of the college.